Thursday, March 25, 2010

Chapter Seven: Let me Google that for you.

If hearing an author recount her research under the guise of making her main character do research sounds exciting, then boy do I have a chapter for you! That's exactly what's happening here, as Bella searching the Internet for vampire information. I've noticed that inexperienced writers sometimes make their characters state facts that are clearly things they looked up and couldn't find a better way to fit into their story, but this is a little different. It's a little less silly -- at least Bella has a good reason for doing this research -- but it's still blatantly transparent. At the end of all this, she still seems very reluctant to believe, despite the fact that all the evidence available points to the conclusion that Edward and the Cullens are vampires. I'm sure she'll get there soon enough.

Sadly, I think Bella's research was the most exciting part of the chapter. Other than that, she made dinner, watched TV with her dad, set aside time for sulking and moping, proceeded to sulk and mope, wrote a paper, took a walk, read a book, and made plans to go dress shopping with her girlfriends. It felt a lot like having a little sister tell me about her very boring day.

Oh, and Bella seems absolutely enamored of Edward now. Not sure when that happened, but then, she is a teenager. Or maybe it's because he's a vampire (bad boy) who tried to save her life (...with a heart of gold). In any case, you can add "missing Edward" to her list of favorite activities.

Overall, this chapter didn't much effect my...

Will to Continue: 95 (-2)
...because as a loyal reader reminded me, I can never give up when I know what awaits me if I make it all the way to the final book. That said, it was boring, enough to tick down my interest slightly. I'll fight through it though. I don't think there will be much of a challenge until Bella and Edward start dating -- that's what will separate the men from the men who are determined to torture themselves by reading the entire Twilight series.

1 comment:

  1. This chapter cracks me up. Why? According to Meyer this was the only research she herself did for the series. Now, look over the passage again. From this chapter we find out Bella/Meyer is so incompetent that she googled "vampire" and had trouble finding anything on blood drinkers.
