Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Chapter Twenty: Bella, Queen of the Sparklepires

Bella is now in full sparkling glory, and as it turns out, the world is too. Everything she sees, she sees a bazillion times clearer than she did before. She can see dust motes, and notes that they're much more attractive than the dust moats Meyer wrote about in one of the earlier books (in fact, she writes the phrase "dust mote" three times in the first two pages of this chapter, as if to prove she's learned how to spell it properly). She can breathe, and even though she doesn't need to, the air tastes really good, because she can taste everything. She can hear everything. Basically, she's fully aware of everything going on within a huge radius, because she's a full-blown sparklepire of the highest order.

Edward touches Bella. It's not cold anymore, because she's cold too! And now that she can see so much more clearly, he's even hotter than he was before! And guess what -- she's even hotter than she was before too, because vampires just...are. I mean, they're actually cold, but you get the picture.

Bella's a little confused, because she has lots of emotions right now. Wasn't she supposed to be an emotionless killing machine for a year or so before they came back? Bella hugs Edward, and actually manages to hurt him, because one of the other benefits of being a newborn vampire is increased strength, even compared to other sparkle gods.

Edward and Bella make out in front of the whole family, with Bella basically mounting them. Then they remember that these aren't things we do in front of your parents and siblings. Oops.

Everyone is surprised by how much control Bella has. Of course she does! Why would she have to go through anything difficult? That would get in the way of her wish fulfillment. Oh sure, she still has mood swings and feels like she wants human blood, but you can pretty much count on these "challenges" being cosmetic, at best. Bella is going to be the best. Sparklepire. Ever.

Assured that Renesmee is fine (other than the stupid name), Bella is convinced by Edward that they should go hunt to take care of her thirst. Of course, Bella wants to see her baby first, but the rest of the family isn't so sure. After all, she's half-human, so newborn Bella might eat her for her first post-sparkle snack. So she agrees to be patient, at least for the moment. What surprises her most of all is that Jacob is still around. Hmm, how peculiar...

Alice demands that she gets to make Bella look in a mirror before they go, so she can be there for the "first time." Bella looks, and sees that she's really, really hot. Maybe not Rosalie hot, but definitely at the Esme/Alice level, which is still way above human, apparently. It freaks her out a bit too, because she has those awesome blood red eyes that are just a bit of a change from her human days. A steady course of animal blood will clear that up, but it'll still take a few months.

This is all a bit much for Bella to handle, but she manages...which shocks all the other vampires. Newborns aren't supposed to be able to do this! Bella has the advantage of knowing what to expect going into the whole sparklefication procedure, but still, this is above and beyond what any of them thought was possible. Yes, Bella's not just a vampire, she's a magically special vampire!

After Edward assures Bella that she's really hot (but that he's disappointed that he still can't read her mind), Jasper's uneasiness with Bella reaches a boil, and they agree to let her go hunt once so that they can be even more assured that she won't flip out and start attacking everyone in sight. Bella's a little worried about attacking wild animals for the first time, but with Edward with her, what could possibly go wrong?

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