Monday, May 31, 2010

Chapter Twenty-seven: In which Bella does a lot of crying.

Bella drives away from Jacob's house, and then starts crying. She pulls over, and Edward shows up to console her, after which she cries some more. Then she goes home to Charlie, and pretends not to be crying, which never ever works. Charlie asks what's up, and Bella spills the beans (or at least, some of the beans -- the supernatural beans stay safely in the can) about talking to Jacob about how she likes vampires better than werewolves.

Bella runs to her room, where Edward is waiting. Charlie doesn't check on her, because who really wants to deal with that mess? She's being really loud about it, too. See, Bella finally realizes that maybe screwing around with Jacob's emotions (not to mention Edward's) maybe wasn't the most selfless thing ever. If only she had come to that conclusion before breaking Jacob's wolf heart!

When Bella wakes up in the morning though, she's feeling a bit better. Edward isn't so sure, and asks her if she really made the right choice. I'm thinking this is Edward's way of trying to slide out of the relationship smoothly now that he's seen what an emotional wreck Bella can be. But Bella insists that she can't possibly live without Edward, and since he's equally codependent, they instead decide not to break up and go see Alice instead.

What with all the future seeing, Alice already knows what Bella is coming to tell her. She gets to plan the wedding, oh boy! Alice has already picked out a dress for Bella, and Edward can't see it because he's the groom, and I'm just going to skip this part entirely. Alice gets to be the maid of honor too, in case you were curious.

Bella and Edward go frolicking in their meadow again. It's as meadowy as ever, with flowers and sparklepires and probably unicorns hiding somewhere in the background if you look really carefully. Bella mentions that she's picked the date of the wedding (August 13) to give her a month before her birthday. God forbid her age go up by a year, because then she'd be an old vampire hag!

Most importantly for Bella, this wedding will give everyone else in her life the chance to see her get married, which -- based on what I've learned from Twilight -- is the only useful thing a young girl can hope to do with her life. Edward doesn't like this; he just wants Bella to be happy. Apparently, gaining happiness from making other people happy is not something Edward is familiar with; maybe he forgot about it when he lost his soul and became all sparkly.

In any case, Edward says that he'll keep his end of the bargain, but Bella doesn't have to do anything he asked of her. And to that end, he attempts to have meadow sex with her, with all the flowers and unicorns watching. Kinky! But Bella says no; as much as Edward might want to get some, she wants to do things the "right" way, for all values of right that equal Puritanical.

Edward agrees to the new plan, and slips the engagement ring on Bella's finger again, this time for good. Next stop, Charlie's house, where he'll most likely try to kill them both.

And that's that! Eclipse is over. Except for this darn more update, then we're off to break some dawn.

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